Avoid "Snap to form"?

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Avoid "Snap to form"?

Post by bjindrich »

I have 2 related questions regarding the behavior of performers snapping into a form. In both cases, I'm looking for how I can avoid a performer snapping to a form when I'm moving them manually myself.

1) Any general way to avoid a performer from being snapped into a form when manually moving the performer near the form? One scenario: I have a circle form, but the percussion are in this form and I want to manually set them (different intervals, obviously). Also, sometimes I paste the form from the "next" on a set as a visual reference. But in this case I don't want ANY performer to snap to this form.

2) Even when forms are toggled off, I'm pretty sure that the snap-to behavior is still happening. It took me a little while to figure out why performers where moving a little after I manually placed them, and then I realized the form was hidden. Any way to turn off the form snap-to when forms are toggled off?
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Re: Avoid "Snap to form"?

Post by William »

Hi bjindrich,

There is currently no option to stop snapping to forms but there is a pretty easy workaround. The snap only happens under the mouse cursor so to avoid snapping the mouse can't be near the forms. You could do this by selecting a performer in the group who is not going to be near the form at the end of the move (you can click-drag any selected performer to move all selected performers, as well as grabbing the blue marble). You can also do it by moving the blue marble out of the way and then moving the performers with the blue marble. You can move the blue marble by pressing ctrl on Windows (Command on Mac), which will turn the center blue marble orange, and then dragging it to another location. When the marble is orange it won't move the selected performers. Letting go of the command button will turn the marble blue again, allowing you to move the performers by dragging it.

You are right that form snapping is still happening when forms are turned off. This isn't necessarily a bug but it doesn't make sense to snap when they are not visible so I will add a note to our backlog to fix this.

Have a great day!
William Lee
Box5 Software
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