EnVision Updates

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EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Here in the Developer's Log the Box5 Software team will post updates about features that are coming down the pipeline. This is also where we are going to put full change updates for every new release.
William Lee
Box5 Software
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v1.0.02 Released

Post by William »

Hey everyone,

EnVision v1.0.02 has been uploaded to the site and is available for download. Some users have had a hard time getting the link to work, if this happens to you try refreshing the download page and re-downloading. That should solve the problem.

v1.0.02 Updates:
  • Fixed: EnVision crash when trying to add performers to a multi-curve tool. This had to do with creating points for a multi-curve form and then pressing the multi-curve tool button again to finish. This will now delete the nearly-complete form. Instead, you must press the green "Finish Setting Points" button in the left tool panel.
  • Allow the program to undo a couple actions that it wasn't able before:
    • Undo Revert Performers
    • Undo Swap Performers
  • Various other bug fixes
William Lee
Box5 Software
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hey Everyone,

I am posting this a little late as this version has been up since the 5th of September but here it is.

EnVision v1.1.00 is available for download.

v1.1.00 Updates:
  • Flag Editor: Change the shape of your flags! Use one of our preset flags or load any picture you want!
  • Drum Editor: EnVision comes with several predefined Drum Sets (colors/designs) but if you are creatively minded you can go ahead and create your own!
  • Several bugs were fixed for this release.
William Lee
Box5 Software
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hey Everyone,

EnVision v1.1.01 is available for download.

v1.1.01 Updates:
  • Zero-Sized Forms: When saving Zero-Sized forms the saved file would go corrupt, this has been fixed.
  • Crashing when undoing changes to forms: fixed.
  • Various other crashes and bugs have also been fixed.
William Lee
Box5 Software
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

v1.1.02 Released

Post by William »

Hey Everyone,

EnVision v1.1.02 is now available for download.

v1.1.02 Updates:
  • Fixed a bug that screwed up the Block Form that was introduced in v1.1.01
  • Fixed a bug where undoing Inserting a Subset or converting a Set to a Subset caused the program to crash.
  • Various minor updates to the user interface
William Lee
Box5 Software
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hey Everyone,

EnVision v1.1.04 is now available for download.

v1.1.04 Updates:
  • Video rendering is now available. Just go to the render menu and choose the Render Tool. Render allows you to save and section of your show as a video file. You can use any video codecs that you have installed on your computer.
  • The background now adjusts to the type of canvas you are using. Football fields will default to the green and sky background while custom floors will have a beige and black background.
  • Fixed a bug using the revert tool.
  • Fixed a bug where a path would sometimes attach to the wrong end.
William Lee
Box5 Software
Posts: 622
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hi Everyone,

EnVision Version 1.2.00 is now available for download.

Version 1.2.00 Updates:
  • Use Pit Equipment in your show! Front ensemble equipment is now available through the prop tool. Simply create a prop and choose the equipment that you want.
  • You can now print your canvas image. If you have special markings on your floor (that you loaded from an image) you can now print that image behind your drill. When in print mode, just make sure that your "Canvas Textures" toggle is turned on to see and print your image.
  • Help is now available through the help menu. Clicking on the "Online Help" menu item will take you to our online help section. If you haven't visited our online help I suggest you go check it out. Lots of good information and tutorial videos to get you started on the many features of EnVision Visual Performance Design.
  • You can now change the set number of your first set to 0. EnVision allows you to change the number of the first set so that you can continue on with set numbers in consecutive productions. This feature is available through the Production Manager (File Menu).
  • Marbles now change size with your zoom level, making it a lot easier to manipulate them while further away.
  • Camera Follow mode has been upgraded to focus slightly in front of the performer you have selected so you can view the drill like you are doing it. You can also look up now when following a performer and you get in close enough.
  • Fixed a bug where step sizes would sometimes double, making the animations look very wrong.
  • Fixed and improved many small areas in the program.
William Lee
Box5 Software
Posts: 622
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hello Everyone!

EnVision Version 1.2.03 is now available! (Including v1.2.01 & 1.2.02)

EnVision v1.2.03 Updates:
  • There have been several stability and performance improvements over these versions.
  • The timeline has had some new features added to it:
    • A box pops up to tell you the current set and count when you are dragging the Current Count marker.
    • The timeline ranges disappear when the timeline is unlocked (editable)
    • The timeline automatically locks when playback is started. This includes all functions regarding adding and removing sets.
William Lee
Box5 Software
Posts: 622
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hey Everyone,

EnVision Version 1.2.06 is now available!

EnVision v1.2.06 Updates:
  • Multiple tempos in the feet (Must be set for every Set for the performers that are affected. It is found in the Performance Detail tool)
  • Auto Saving
  • Moving and rotating all selected forms at the same time
  • Expand intervals in Block Form when expanding
  • Ctrl select multiple: Groups / Forms / Performers on Forms
Bugs fixed:
  • Load music from any directory (Win 7)
  • Dot Sheet bug fixed (only drawing first page)
  • Follow the Leader spacing being affected by red marbles (still happens on big scales)
EnVision v1.2.04 Updates:
  • Hide performers in print mode
William Lee
Box5 Software
Posts: 622
Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:59 pm
Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hi Everyone!

EnVision Version 1.2.07 is now available!

This version is mainly to correct a bug introduced in 1.2.06 that did not open the Form tool panels when a form was clicked.

EnVision v1.2.07 Updates:
  • Fix bug where Tool Panels don't open when Forms are clicked.
  • More images available for the Performer Marker. See the Performer Editor tool.
William Lee
Box5 Software
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