EnVision Updates

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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hi Everyone!

EnVision version 1.7.25 is now available!

EnVIsion v1.7.25 updates:
  • Allow the labels to be dragged in Print Mode, even if that performer isn't selected.
  • Put the text cursor for the Notes textbox at the end of the selection when changing sets.
  • Fixed issue where drill playback sometimes goes very quickly when music is synched.
  • Fixed the zoom button in the playback zooming too much.
  • Fixed the issue where the Playback start marker doesn't unlock when double clicked.
William Lee
Box5 Software
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »


EnVision version 1.7.27 is now available!

EnVision v1.7.27 updates:
  • Added Language option in File menu. This allows users to choose the language that they want to use EnVision in while the software is running.
  • Added support for high-resolution displays.
  • Added a new hat type to the James uniform: Parade Cap.
  • Fixed an issue where uniforms were not being imported properly.
  • Fixed a crash on startup for the demo version.
William Lee
Box5 Software
Posts: 622
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »


EnVision version 1.7.29 is now available!

EnVision v1.7.29 updates:
  • Fixed a crash for users with older OpenGL installations, including users on Windows XP.
  • Expanded the number of undos to 100 from 50.
William Lee
Box5 Software
Posts: 622
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »


EnVision version 1.7.30 is now available!

EnVision v1.7.30 updates:
  • Added an option to print multiple performers on each dot sheet.
  • Added the date to the dot sheets.
  • Added an option to format dot sheets better for DrillBook Next.
  • Fixed a couple small bugs.
William Lee
Box5 Software
Posts: 622
Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:59 pm
Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hello Everyone!

EnVision version 1.8.00 is now available!

EnVision v1.8.00 updates:
  • Fixed a bug that caused EnVision to freeze when loading some drill files.
  • Fixed Ctrl+A not updating the number of selected performers in the info panel.
  • Fixed a crash when opening the Help->Credits dialog box.
  • Fixed a bug where the Dot Sheets don't print subsets that performers aren't attached to when in DrillBook Next mode.
William Lee
Box5 Software
Posts: 622
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hello Everyone!

EnVision version 1.8.01 is now available!

EnVision v1.8.01 updates:
  • Dot Sheet: Limit sets added to sheet the same way that you can for charts
  • Fixed a bug where Windows XP users were unable to activate EnVision
William Lee
Box5 Software
Posts: 622
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »


EnVision version 1.8.04 is here!

EnVision v1.8.04 Updates:
  • Props can now be stood on! This setting is optional and can be set in the Prop Tool.
  • Props can be grouped together! Grouping props together makes making compound props much easier. This is especially useful when using the new prop cutout options.
  • Props can have transparent images on all sides, including the bottom! Change the prop type to 'Cutout' and use your images with transparent areas to create see- through props.
  • Added keyboard shortcuts for all menu items. Check out the menus for all the new keyboard shortcuts to make writing drill much faster.
  • New Shortcut key for moving the timeline 1-count at a time. Use ctrl (cmd on mac) + left and right keyboard buttons to move forward or backwards by 1 count.
  • The print page layout is now stored in preferences so it doesn't have to be set every time.
  • Added a preset to use NFL style fields.
  • General bug fixes and improvements.
William Lee
Box5 Software
Posts: 622
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hi everyone!

A couple updates for you today, EnVision versions 1.8.05, 1.8.06 and 1.8.07 have been released.

EnVision v1.8.05 Updates:
  • Fixed a crash in 1.8.04 when switching performers.
EnVision v1.8.06 Updates:
  • Fixed a bug where the shortcut shift-9 and shift-0 were blocking the use of typing brackets in comments.
  • Fixed the issue where Props weren't displaying in Print mode or on the Printouts.
  • Now supporting combined props on printouts!
  • Now supporting combined props in show and production exports!
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes it became impossible to move specific performers on some sets.
EnVision v1.8.07 Updates:
  • Fixed a bug where EnVision would freeze when trying to view or print Dot Sheets with DrillBook Next turned on.
  • Fixed an issue where translations stopped working for menu items.
  • Small fix to stop selecting hidden Performers when performing select-all
  • Added a couple options in the Dot Sheet tool to "Print all text as Black" and to "show or hide the performer real name".
William Lee
Box5 Software
Posts: 622
Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:59 pm
Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hello Everyone!

EnVision Version 1.8.08 is now available!

EnVision v1.8.08 updates:
  • Fixed prop cutouts not having transparent sides.
  • Added the ability to save and load your ensemble information from the Show Manager tool and the New Drill Wizard.
  • Added the ability to export your drill as a JSON file so it can be imported into other apps.
William Lee
Box5 Software
Posts: 622
Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:59 pm
Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hello Everyone!

EnVision Version 1.8.10 is now available!

EnVision v1.8.10 updates:
  • Dot Sheet: Allow Step Size and Rehearsal Mark columns to be added or removed. This can be done from the Dot Sheet tool.
  • Ability to disable automatic Performer Label position updates from Forms. So adding performers to a Form or adjusting the performers on a form won't automatically reset the Label position if you turn the option off. The global option is located in the Performer Label tool.
  • Ability to copy the current label position for the selected performers and apply it to all sets in the entire production. This option is also located in the Performer Label tool.
  • Fixed a rare bug where some performers have the same ID and selecting one will always select and move the other one instead.
  • Fixed a crash when undoing "Smooth Paths" that start on a subset that not all performers have.
William Lee
Box5 Software
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