Ideas Welcome!

Suggest a new features or improvements that you want to see in future versions.
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Re: Ideas Welcome!

Post by box5Nick »

Thanks for the comments and suggestions!

As I'm sure you know, students can already download your drill files and watch them free of charge (as well as use follow performer). And we are looking into streamlining this process for them in the future, but not as a separate standalone package. And actually the last suggestion there sounds quite close to something we have cooking. As for split screen, we'll look into it.

We always strive to make EnVision a tool not only for writers, but also an aid for directors and students as well.
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Re: Ideas Welcome!

Post by AlphFour »

I have a huge list of ideas for updates, hopefully you'll read some of them :D

-Turns (Making body rotations seems a bit unrealistic, with selecting one count after another to make a turn. Possibly a turn from the front to the back in two counts smoothly would make it appear better rather than front-1 and back-2.)
-More Visuals (I'd like to see a bigger list of visuals, maybe something like kicking legs out, in, etc.)
-Instrumentation (Besides the current instruments and flags in EnVision, marching bands/drum corps tend to use Euphoniums, concert baritones, concert tubas, french horns, etc. It would be cool to see a larger variety of the current instruments and feature some of the more rarer instruments.)
-Props (So far the only props being able to be placed are either rectangles or 3d props of Percussion instruments. It would be great to see more shapes of props and support for .obj files to be imported into EnVision, along with height placement and angle adjustment. IE A ramp that angles down off of a large block.)
-Body Models (Marchers are classified under male models and color guard are classified under female models. It would be cool to see an option to change one model to the either, such as both male and female band members and color guard.)
-Height Adjustment of marchers and props (As said a few lines ago, it would be cool to see props being able to move up and down. But in various shows marchers can be slightly above ground due to props, IE a soloist standing upon a pillar. Possibly found in the performance detail.)
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Re: Ideas Welcome!

Post by William »

Hi AlphFour,

Thank you for the suggestions! Some of these were already on our list but its always good to know what people are looking for so we can prioritize appropriately. We've written down all of your suggestions and we will definitely be implementing them in the future.

Thanks again!

William Lee
Box5 Software
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Re: Ideas Welcome!

Post by eortiz98 »

Hello! Everyone

I have a suggestion. What about having section for Front Ensemble on the field and also being about to add Marching Xylophone or Bells to the Marching Percussion section of writing drill. That all for now. :-)
Drill Designer

Elsinore HS~97-00 & 02-06
Fontana HS~04
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Re: Ideas Welcome!

Post by William »

Hi eortiz98,

What do you mean about having a section for Front Ensemble? You can already add several pieces of front ensemble equipment but I suspect that isn't what you mean.

And I will add the request for Marching Xylophone and Bells to the feature request list.

Have a great day!
William Lee
Box5 Software
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Re: Ideas Welcome!

Post by japinzon16 »

I'd like to see there be the ripple feature except for moving sets, not just choreo. So it would be where the performers leave the previous set to the next set in a ripple.
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Re: Ideas Welcome!

Post by William »

Hi japinzon16,

Thank you for the suggestion! Sequential step offs and arrivals has been on our list for a while and we have actually already started work on it, so definitely expect to see it in the future!

Have a great day!
William Lee
Box5 Software
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Marching speed

Post by martijn_kng »

Hi everyone,

Is there a possibility to change the step distance?
For example: I have a set with 32 steps and I want some of the musicians (the alto saxes) to go to their new coordinate as fast as possible so they won't collide with others. Some of the musicians need the 32 steps, others don't. If I can change the step distance to normal (1 yrd) instead of a fraction of a normal step that would help a lot.

The remaining steps will be on there new coordinate.

Grtz Martijn
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Re: Ideas Welcome!

Post by William »

Hi Grtz,

If you want some performers to get to their position sooner, then you need to create a subset for them where you want them to stop. For example, if you have a 32 count set and you want some performers to get there in 16 counts then you create a subset on count 16 and set the performers to be on their spot on the subset.

I hope that answers your question.

Have a great day!
William Lee
Box5 Software
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Re: Ideas Welcome!

Post by martijn_kng »

Hi William,

I understand that using a subset would solve my problem. But it's just a fix to make sure performers won't collide with eachother. Also I want to avoid making subsets and tell the majority of the band that this is only to fix a routing problem in 1 section. In practice I tell the people to move as quickly (normal) as possible and others I tell to use al the counts they have. But having it on video explains it much more easier. Maybe it can with performer details in which I can add the amount of steps to reach the final coordinate.

If not then I will use the subset option.

Greetings Martijn
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