Step by step keyboard shortcut

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Step by step keyboard shortcut

Post by bradporeda »

As drill becomes more intricate (patterns, close proximity, etc...), it would be super helpful to have a way to step through the drill one count at a time.

Perhaps CTRL/CMD-Left&Right arrows, or simply "O" and "P" for example would push the animation 1 count forward or 1 count back.

This would allow the designers to keep their eye on the drill and rather than hunt and peck for the small black arrow in the timeline and drag it manually.

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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: Step by step keyboard shortcut

Post by William »

Hi Brad,

You don't have to click on the count marker to move it. Clicking nearly anywhere in the timeline will jump the current count to that position, allowing you to simply click and drag to view your drill. However your point is taken, it would be nice to have count-by-count keyboard control. It will go on the feature list.

Bonus: Dragging the Green and Red timeline markers allows you to anchor the start and end of the playback range. If you double click the timeline while the Green marker is anchored then it will snap to the set where you clicked.

Have a great day!
William Lee
Box5 Software
Posts: 24
Joined: Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:38 pm

Re: Step by step keyboard shortcut

Post by bradporeda »

IMG_7217.JPG (1.73 MiB) Viewed 20983 times
This is my trusted ShuttleXpress. I use it to "scrub" video files in FinalCut ProX and music files when arranging.

I'd like to be able to use it to scrub drill 1 count at a time.

If you could add menu items to "Advance 1 Count" and "Reverse 1 Count", with the keyboard shortcuts (Perhaps CTRL/CMD-Left&Right arrows, or simply "O" and "P"), then users can assign these USB devices to that function.

Posts: 622
Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:59 pm
Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: Step by step keyboard shortcut

Post by William »

That's a nice device that you've got there! I might have to get one for myself. And I agree that scrubbing the timeline one count at a time via keyboard shortcuts is a good feature to have and I am happy to report that this feature is definitely coming!
William Lee
Box5 Software
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