Windows 10 - Touch Screen - (Mircrosoft Surface)

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Windows 10 - Touch Screen - (Mircrosoft Surface)

Post by narcofis »

Any plans on having the touch screen motions being supported for Envision?
I now own a Surface Book and notice it could be a major production boost to not be so bound by the mouse right click holding to do everything for pan and zoom.

The support for multi gesture and ability to optimize gesture base edits would be a great step towards solidifying your place on the market.

The High DPI issue has already been reported. Not sure if the program also looks weird because of the windows 10 new flat look but I'm assuming your currently working on the Windows 10 support and High DPI... The Surface Book has the 3000x2000 default screen size and having to switch to a new screen size is not a long term viable option...

Thank you
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Re: Windows 10 - Touch Screen - (Mircrosoft Surface)

Post by William »

Hi narcofis,

We don't have any immediate plans to support this but it's quite obvious that this is the way of the future. Even if most of the time people use a mouse to write their drill, having touch controls while you on the floor or field with the students would be a big plus. I'm going to put this on our feature requests list alongside other general modernization such as the high DPI issue and the flat look that modern GUIs have adopted.

Thanks for the input!
William Lee
Box5 Software
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Re: Windows 10 - Touch Screen - (Mircrosoft Surface)

Post by Roaminggnome4 »

The drag and drop on my ASUS 2-in-1 works pretty flawlessly for moving performers, adjusting facings, mass selection, etc...

Additional tablet mode support (maybe a pop out touch panel for shortcuts) would be pretty legit as a panel option for tablet users.
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Re: Windows 10 - Touch Screen - (Mircrosoft Surface)

Post by William »

Hi Roaminggnome4,

Thanks for the suggestion! I agree that a pop out touch panel would be very useful, even for non-touch users.
William Lee
Box5 Software
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