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Detaching performers from a subset

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 8:35 pm
by bjindrich
Is there a way to detach performers from a subset? I have a set with 4, 4-count subsets. Originally I attached a group of performers to some of the subsets, but now I've changed my mind and I want some of these performers to just move all 16 counts from one set to the next. I've tried reverting the performers, but I can't seem to get the performers unattached from the subsets.

Re: Detaching performers from a subset

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 8:54 pm
by William
Hi bjindrich,

You just need to move them. Select the performers as you would normally (in Performer mode) and move the performers to a different location, possibly attaching them to another form. This will remove them from the form that they are attached to automatically. Though reverting the performers should have detached them also so there might be something weird going on there. I am able to detach the performers via revert on my copy so there might be something strange with your setup.

Have a great day!

Re: Detaching performers from a subset

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:46 am
by bjindrich
Hmm, I'm sure I follow. Maybe I'm not using the right terminology. The performers aren't attached to a Form. To clarify... Set 11 to Set 12 is 16 counts. I added 4 count subsets in between. I have various performers attached to various of those subsets. Now, I changed my minds and I have some of those performers that I want to "detach" from the subsets. I want them to just have a 16 count drill from Set 11 to set 12 and I don't want these performers to be on any of the subsets - but I still want to keep the subsets because I have other performers attached to some of the subsets.

Re: Detaching performers from a subset

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 2:33 am
by William
Ah I understand. Yes you need to use the menu Drill->Remove/Crop selected from subset. Select the performers that you want, navigate to the subset that you want to remove them from, and select the Remove Selected from Subset menu item. As you can imagine the Crop Selected from Subset does the opposite; It will remove all performers except the ones that you want to keep from the subset.

On a related note have a look at the "Smooth Paths" option in the Path Mode Tool, which is opened when you select Path mode from the tool bar. Path mode is the third mode besides Performer and Form modes. This tool will even out the step sizes of performers over multiple sets and subsets. Useful if you don't want to use subsets but you still want performer paths to be even.
