High School Field Layout

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High School Field Layout

Post by nichampagne »

Would it be possible to create an option to have the high school field line up with the front hash at 28 steps? (Using a perfect 8/5 step in vertical still, meaning the front sideline would not be lined up with a whole step.

The current options are:
High School - horizontal and vertical step sizes are equal (22.5 inches). step 0 lines up with front hash, and is at about 28.5 at front hash
High School Perfect - vertical step size is stretched (22.857 inches). both sidelines and hashes line up with whole steps.

My suggestion - use same vertical and horizontal step size (22.5 inches) but line up front hash with step 28. this means the front sideline would be ~28.5 from the front hash.

My reasoning, I more often than not measure positions on the field from the front hash and would like the option to line the drill up as closely as possible with the reality on the field.
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Re: High School Field Layout

Post by William »

Hi nichampagne,

The Perfect HS option doesn't stretch the vertical step size, it actually adjusts the position of the hashes and the width of the field to fit perfectly with the grid. This may work well enough for you if you wish to interpret the grid as being centred around the front hash instead of the front sideline. You should be aware though that the distances between the sidelines and the hashes are not accurate to the dimensions of a real football field.

That being said I can see the benefit of being able to have a bit more control over the placement of the grid as well as the size of the grid so I will add it to the list of recommendations.

Thanks for suggesting :)

William Lee
Box5 Software
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