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Post by GreenGears25 »

I have a piece that requires a ritardando, but I can't figure out how to perform those ritardandos. I've tried subsets and regular sets, but it just isn't lining up.
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Re: Ritardando

Post by William »

Hi GreenGears25,

EnVision doesn't support Accelerandos or Ritardandos. You can set the tempo once for each set and the tempo doesn't change for the rest of the set. This does mean that for quickly changing accels or decels you will notice incorrect foot placements but practically it doesn't make much difference.

If you need to get closer to the actual tempo you can break your sets into smaller chunks even down to 1 beat if you want to but that will introduce multiple additional pages to your printout. It's usually fine to split the difference by having the first set at the first tempo and the next set and the end tempo.

I hope that answered your question. I'm sorry it wasn't the answer you were looking for.

Have a great day!
William Lee
Box5 Software
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