1/3 Step timing?

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Joined: Tue Jul 11, 2017 4:50 pm

1/3 Step timing?

Post by neugna »

I'm trying to set 1/3 step timing and it seems the slowest it will let me go is .50 and not .33. The time sig is 3/4 and I'm trying to have them march 1 beat per measure (very slowly) but then they will march to the quarter note later (1.00). Any ideas of is this a limit in the program?
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: 1/3 Step timing?

Post by William »

Hi neugna,

I don't have a problem setting the marching down to 0.33. Make sure you have the Step Timing option set to 'Custom' (at the bottom of the list) and set your value of 0.33 in the text box below that. Actually, if you set a special value in that text box and hit enter then the 'Custom' option should be selected automatically.

Other reminders: Remember to set the step timing at the beginning of the set that you want it to affect, and make sure you have the performers selected that you want the timing to affect.

Please let me know if you are still having problems.

Have a great day!
William Lee
Box5 Software
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