Performers switch instruments

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Performers switch instruments

Post by bjindrich »

I've got a drill that I've been working on for a month. Lots of changes, swaps, etc. I'm seeing a weird thing happen on a set in the middle of a production: some performers switch instruments. The symbols stay the same, but when viewing in 3D, some flutes change to saxes and some of the saxes change to flutes. Has anyone seen this? Suggestions for fixing?
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Re: Performers switch instruments

Post by William »

Hi bjindrich,

This is likely the result of some of the switching that you are doing. You can switch instruments mid-production and that registers as a performance detail event like body facing or poses. The switch system tries to keep these events with the right performer, so if you have a block of performers kneeling then you don't want one person not kneeling because they were switched.

To fix this you have a couple options. The first is the easiest, you can open the Event Editor from the bottom left button on the timeline then find the Equipment Change event and delete it. You can delete events by selecting them (click-drag) then pressing delete or backspace. Then whatever the default was before that event will be assumed. The default Equipment for a performer can be selected from the Performer Editor tool in the Performer menu.

The second option is to go to the location where the issue is taking place and change the equipment using the Performance Detail tool. This seems like the simpler option but it will probably create more issues in the long.

Have a great day!
William Lee
Box5 Software
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Re: Performers switch instruments

Post by bjindrich »

I should have mentioned this. Before I posted, I looked in the Event timeline. What if I told you that there wasn't an equipment change in the Event timeline on the Set where they change instruments?
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Re: Performers switch instruments

Post by William »

I would conclude that there is something strange going on here.

If there are no events then changing the equipment from the Performer Editor and changing it back to the desired equipment should be enough to reset the equipment for the entire production.
William Lee
Box5 Software
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Re: Performers switch instruments

Post by William »

I've managed to reproduce the issue using the switch performer tool for two performers with different instruments. It looks like it was happening for other event types as well but they were much less noticeable. It will be fixed for the next release.
William Lee
Box5 Software
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