EnVision Updates

Find out about upcoming updates from the Box5 team. If it's not posted here; it's a rumour.
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hello Everyone,

EnVision version 1.3.07 is now available!

We have been working hard to eliminate some of the instability that some of you have been experiencing. A lot of the changes in this version are background changes that won't affect how you use the program. Enjoy!

EnVision v1.3.07 Updates:
  • Made many changes in the background to help monitor stability.
  • Fixed an issue where the show file didn't save it's own location, asking to save a new one every save.
  • Fixed a crash when deleting the last set.
William Lee
Box5 Software
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hi Everyone!

EnVision version 1.3.11 is now available!

EnVision v1.3.11 updates:
  • Fixed a crash on Macs when closing tool panels.
  • Fixed a crash when syncing music with only one set.
  • Fixed the primary and secondary foci so they work again.
  • Added a couple features to the SyncMusic tool:
    • Made the panel bigger and resizable.
    • Now you can lock the sets so you can listen to the music without worrying about deleting existing sets!
William Lee
Box5 Software
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hi Everyone!

EnVision version 1.3.12 has been released for Macs.

EnVision v1.3.12 update:
  • Fixed a regression in the Mac version 1.3.11 where syncing music no longer worked.
William Lee
Box5 Software
Posts: 623
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hi Everyone!

EnVision version 1.3.14 has been released!

EnVision v1.3.14 updates:
  • Fixed the flag color overlay not showing except in the Flag Editor.
  • The Center Widget (Blue Marble) now spawns on the nearest grid intersection so you can move whatever is selected horizontally and vertically without having to worry about the marble snapping to the grid.
  • Updated the image loader dialog boxes to list all available image types at once.
  • Fixed a crash in the Performer Label Tool.
  • Props and Canvas: UsingImages is automatically enabled when you load an image.
  • Added the ability to use any size image for the Canvas, not just restricted to 2048x2048 like before.
  • Not saving changes to an external canvas will now automatically keep the changes internally in the drl file.
  • Fixed an error where in certain circumstances you could create a form when in Performer Mode.
William Lee
Box5 Software
Posts: 623
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hello Everyone!

EnVision version 1.3.16 has been released!

EnVision v1.3.16 updates:
  • Moved the location of the license file to the Documents/EnVision directory for easier access.
  • Fixed several reported crashes and bugs relating to undoing a deleted set.
  • Fixed dot sheet printout bug.
  • Fixed print preview scaling bug in Windows.
  • Implemented the following adjustments to the Uniform Editor:
    • All uniform parts now have default textures.
    • Loading a texture is now much easier.
    • Each uniform part has it's own directory for textures so you don't have to search to find textures.
    • Reported stability issues with loading textures have been resolved.
William Lee
Box5 Software
Posts: 623
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hello Everyone!

EnVision version 1.4.00 has been released!

EnVision v1.4.00 updates:
  • Fixed issues with the Lasso Selection where sometimes performers would be selected outside the lasso and not all performers would be selected inside.
  • Fixed several issues with the Block Form:
    • Dots were not being calculated properly within the block form, especially while rotating.
    • Certain situations caused entire rows of dots to go missing.
William Lee
Box5 Software
Posts: 623
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hi Everyone!

EnVision version 1.5.00 is now available!

EnVision v1.5.00 updates:
  • Lower Body animations are now available!!! Add kneeling, lunges, power stances and more into your show!! You can access this feature through the Performance Detail tool. Open the tool and Select the performers you want on the count that you. want the action to start. Then just select the action from the lower body action list and press apply! You can even make them in ripples!
  • Fixed several minor issues with some animations.
  • Fixed an error where the counts of the first set were not being set properly.
  • Fixed some issues with loading external productions from the Show Manager tool.
  • Fixed Grey uniforms on loading drill. (Must save file to see the effect)
  • Fixed a crash when performing a Performer Switch over multiple sets.
William Lee
Box5 Software
Posts: 623
Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:59 pm
Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hello Everyone!

EnVision version 1.5.03 is now available!

EnVision v1.5.03 updates:
  • Fixed crash when starting a new production and left clicking in the timeline.
  • Fixed crash when deleting a performance event.
  • Fixed crash when selecting a subset group.
  • Fixed an issue where the EnVision.cfg file got corrupted and caused a crash on program start.
  • Fixed an issue where a custom grid wasn't being loaded if the type was a football field.
  • Made a couple small improvements to the Dot Sheets:
    • Each line now contains the previous and next counts for the set.
    • Only one Performer will be printed per page.
  • Added options to rename the various grid labels (Behind/In Front, Inside/Outside etc.). This option is available in the Print Mode Tool panel. This also gives you the option to use the short forms or the long forms (FS vs. Front Sideline).
William Lee
Box5 Software
Posts: 623
Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:59 pm
Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hello Everyone!

It's been a while since I've posted here but EnVision version 1.5.14 is now available!

v1.5.14 introduces several new features and fixes but the major feature is printing to PDF format. This allows you to save your drill do PDF format which allows for easy transmission over the internet and much reduced file sizes over the old workaround methods. However, there is bad news with the good: Because of the updates required to support PDFs, EnVision v1.5.14 does not work on Macs running OSX 10.6 or earlier. The last version of EnVision that works on these older versions of OSX is EnVision v1.5.09 which can be found here: http://www.box5software.com/downloads/E ... 1.5.09.pkg

We still intend to make the new EnVision backwards compatible with older versions of OSX and we are working towards that goal. In the mean time we wanted everyone who is able to enjoy the features and bug fixes that have been introduced since v1.5.09.

EnVision v1.5.14 updates:
  • Save drill as PDF! Look in the file menu and the Print Mode tool.
  • Allow starting and ending playback on any subset as well as set.
  • Improved Dot Sheet layout.
  • More ways to delete events in the timeline: Using the backspace button and with a right-click menu. (Previously events were only deleted using the delete key)
  • Move the start of the playback range to the current position by double clicking on the timeline.
  • Updated the look of the printout. Including the double yardline issue.
  • Fixed some issues regarding lower body animations.
  • Fixed a crash around deleting sets and subsets.
  • Fixed bull pen look when performers were deleted off of it.
  • Allow performers to be moved by moving their path endpoints in path mode.
  • Fixed issue where current count marker moved when editing counts in a set.
William Lee
Box5 Software
Posts: 623
Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:59 pm
Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: EnVision Updates

Post by William »

Hi Everyone!

EnVision version 1.5.16 is now available!

The biggest update in this version is that EnVision is again compatible with Macs that are running OSX 10.6 and 10.5 Intel! Thank you for your patience. If you are running one of these systems you now have access to all of the updates since v1.5.09 that were previously unavailable to you.

EnVision v1.5.16 Updates:
  • Open your most recent opened drill from the Welcome screen and the File menu!
  • Fixed issue where EnVision would not run on Macs older than 10.7.
  • Fixed several issues surrounding lower body animations.
  • Fixed performers' lower bodies not facing front when added to show.
  • Fixed timeline lock button not updating when auto-locking on playback start.
  • Fixed PDF text box spacing and sizing on OSX.
  • Allow playback to start and end on any subset.
  • Delete performers through the Performer menu.
William Lee
Box5 Software
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