My friend and I are jointly working on an indoor show for a local ensemble. We are using dropbox to store all of our files (mp3s, .drl file, .env file, and anything else we may need) so that the files are accessible by both of us. The .drl and .env files are both saved in the same folder. When either one of us open the .drl file, this message appears. Clicking yes takes us to the .drl file with no problems. Are we doing something wrong, or is this something that could potentially make us lose the work we have done? Thanks!
Envision Visual Performance Design
Re: Envision Visual Performance Design
Hi gpit11,
I can't see the screenshot any more but I'm guessing it says something like "EnVision has found a .EnV production file that was not in the location specified, would you like to load this show file?". If that is the message that you are getting then that is not a problem, though it could become complicated if you have more than one production in your show.
The .EnV file stores information about the various productions as well as information that is the same across the entire show such as the performing group. There was a bug that asked this question every time a show was loaded but that was recently fixed. You will also get the message if the .EnV file is not where the .drl file says it is. In your case, if you are copying the .drl and .EnV file to your computer while you work on it then you will likely get that message if it is in a different relative location on your computer than on your friend's computer. i.e. If the .EnV file is in "C:\EnVision\Drill\MyShow.EnV" on both computers then you should not get that message, but if there is any difference at all then you will get it (or another message saying that it can't find the show file).
Your best bet is to store the .drl and .EnV in the "*Documents*/EnVision/Drills" folder, where *Documents* is your computers general documents folder which has slightly different names on various OSs. That way, EnVision will know where to look and it will find it automatically.
I hope that answered your question.. If your screenshot is actually something else then please repost it or copy down the message so I can give a more appropriate response.
Have a great day!
I can't see the screenshot any more but I'm guessing it says something like "EnVision has found a .EnV production file that was not in the location specified, would you like to load this show file?". If that is the message that you are getting then that is not a problem, though it could become complicated if you have more than one production in your show.
The .EnV file stores information about the various productions as well as information that is the same across the entire show such as the performing group. There was a bug that asked this question every time a show was loaded but that was recently fixed. You will also get the message if the .EnV file is not where the .drl file says it is. In your case, if you are copying the .drl and .EnV file to your computer while you work on it then you will likely get that message if it is in a different relative location on your computer than on your friend's computer. i.e. If the .EnV file is in "C:\EnVision\Drill\MyShow.EnV" on both computers then you should not get that message, but if there is any difference at all then you will get it (or another message saying that it can't find the show file).
Your best bet is to store the .drl and .EnV in the "*Documents*/EnVision/Drills" folder, where *Documents* is your computers general documents folder which has slightly different names on various OSs. That way, EnVision will know where to look and it will find it automatically.
I hope that answered your question.. If your screenshot is actually something else then please repost it or copy down the message so I can give a more appropriate response.
Have a great day!
Re: Envision Visual Performance Design
That was it, thanks!