Thanks, Ryan

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Joined: Sun Mar 12, 2023 3:54 am

Thanks, Ryan

Post by japanescor »

I am running Envision problem free on 10.12.6. OSX is bugging me about upgrading. Any reported issues with 10.13.5? With deadlines I can't have an OS update cause Envision to start bugging out on me! I can go with out 10.13.5 for now if there are known problems.
Thanks, Ryan
Posts: 622
Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:59 pm
Location: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Re: Thanks, Ryan

Post by William »

Hi Ryan,

As far as I know there are no known issues running EnVision on MacOS 10.13. When you upgrade you may be required to re-enter your EnVision activation key which might not work because it is already used. You can contact me at so we can prepare this scenario before you perform your upgrade.

William Lee
Box5 Software
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