Unable to move starting mark

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Unable to move starting mark

Post by tlhogard@gmail.com »

When I began Production 2, I could not move the starting mark to line count one up with the music. I really hope you guys come up with a better way to sync music to drill. I have to save my drill as a new file and then sync the music or else I screw up all the work I have done. Please fix this.
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Re: Unable to move starting mark

Post by William »

Hi tlhogard,

I don't understand this question. There are multiple ways to move the first count so that it lines up with the music, but which one you used depends on the current state of the production.

For example if you just started the second production and the music starts at the very beginning of the music file then you can use the "move first set" button in the Sync Music tool to align the set with the beginning of the music.
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Screen Shot 2021-09-03 at 9.03.47 PM.png (38.7 KiB) Viewed 14931 times
If it's not right at the beginning of the music file then you can synchronize it by using the Sync Music tool again and pressing space bar at the first count when playing it back. That will match the first count of the show with the first count in the music. Note that this generates a "count 0" so that during playback there is a 1-count introduction (step-off) before the first note is played.

If you already have a couple sets then you could use the Sync Music tool and overwrite the existing synced sets (if there are any). Or you could also manually move the set positions against the music by unlocking the timeline and moving them manually. This takes a bit of trial and error since you can't see the music waveform but it does work.
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Screen Shot 2021-09-03 at 9.07.53 PM.png (67.17 KiB) Viewed 14931 times
Please let me know if I've completely missed the mark here.

Have a great day!
William Lee
Box5 Software
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