Option to Warn when performers removed from a From

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Option to Warn when performers removed from a From

Post by bjindrich »

I've had performers removed from their form on numerous occasions, and I have no idea why they "fell off" the form. It's not a big deal to drag and drop the performers back on the form, but I think it would be nice if there were a way to be warned if performers are being removed from a form, with options to 1) cancel the action and keep the performers on the form or 2) allow the action to proceed, with the performers being removed from the form.

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Re: Option to Warn when performers removed from a From

Post by William »

Hi bjindrich,

Performers generally only detach from forms when their position changes from something other than the form moving. i.e. if you move them directly that will cause it, but if you use the expand/contract or rotate marbles in Performer mode that would also do it.

I'm hesitant to blatantly put a warning display on the screen that could take people out of the flow but you are right that it is not obvious so maybe there is some less obtrusive way to indicate that the performers are being removed and provide the opportunity to put them back on if it was not intended.
William Lee
Box5 Software
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