Changing Number of Counts in a Set

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Joined: Fri Feb 05, 2021 12:13 pm

Changing Number of Counts in a Set

Post by brutusln9 »

What mode am I in?

Now all of a sudden, when I delete a set, it adds those counts to the previous set.

Now all of a sudden, when I want to reduce the number of beats in a set, it changes the tempo in that set. Last week I was able to edit the number of
beats and the tempo for each set, but now the tempo is grayed out.

What did I press?

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Re: Changing Number of Counts in a Set

Post by William »

Hi brutusIn9,

I think you have synced music to your production. Some things change when you sync music such as how the tempo is calculated and how Sets act. Essentially EnVision assumes that once music is synced you need to maintain the number of counts in the show and that the synced sets are the highest importance.

Practically, this means:
  1. You can't edit the tempo manually because it is calculated from the set positions and the number of counts in-between
  2. You can change the set positions by re-syncing (File menu) or moving the sets manually from the timeline
You can Unlock the timeline to make it available for editing from the timeline control panel, and then you can use the next two settings to "Snap to Count" (which will move sets by increasing or decreasing the number of counts by keeping the tempo the same) and "Adjust all following sets" (which will move all sets after the one you are editing the same amount. Useful when adding or removing counts in your music file).

You can also un-sync music from the File menu, but EnVision works best when the music is Synchronized.

Have a great day!
William Lee
Box5 Software
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